A More meaningful Season’s Greetings

It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it?
That’s why this year, we’d like to make our Season’s Greetings more meaningful by recommending some of the things that got us through 2020, in the hope they’ll help put a smile on your face too this festive season.
Here goes…
Moses Gunarman, our Art Director, recommends the ‘No Such Thing As A Fish’ podcast.
“An award-winning podcast from the writer of the BBC Show, QI. Hear about weird and wonderful things from bacon scented sleep masks to 19th century Japanese monopoly. There’s no better time to learn about swearing mongoose or soggy cheese and impress your friends and family when you meet them again!”
Megan Scott and Alison Tordini, our Account Director and Senior Account Manager recommend the TV show 30 Rock.
“This makes for a bit of light-hearted fun and I personally find Tina Fey highly relatable, but there’s a spirit animal for everyone in this show. If you’re looking for funny 1-liners to delight your friends with, this is the goldmine.” – Megan
“I discovered this show only this year and Jack’s comments really helped me get through 2020. The show ended a few years ago, but they reunited the whole team this year for a special COVID episode!” – Alison
Search the show on Hulu, Now TV, Amazon Prime Video or YouTube.
Rebecca Reffell, our Strategy Director recommends the book American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins.
“It’s the story of a Mexican woman who has to leave her life behind to become an undocumented immigrant on her way to the US. It takes you through her journey and is beautifully written and completely impossible to put down. Makes you grateful, more than ever, for everything you have and mindful of what immigrants have to go through to get to a ‘better’ life elsewhere. Incredible.”
Lisa Wiedemann, our Business Development Manager recommends this Apple Crumble recipe.
“It’s been A. YEAR. Sometimes just want some easy and quick comfort food to forget about all the crazy and treat yourself. My favourite go-to is Apple Crumble: it’s super hard to mess up, you usually already have all you need in the house, and throw on some nuts, vanilla custard or ice cream and it’s tough to not feel cosy, happy and warm. Plus, a batch can either feed a whole family or keep you going for days 😉”
We hope you find some of them interesting, and hope your holidays are filled with warmth and cheerful celebration.
– Havas People